
PSLE Power Up Online Bootcamp

Get ready to power up for PSLE with over 40 hours of lessons and 300+ pages of comprehensive PSLE exam materials taught by our highly-experienced Master Teachers! The 'PSLE Power Up Online Bootcamp' is part of the 'Journey-to-PSLE Bootcamp Bundles,' where you can enjoy additional savings.


Workshop Highlights

Proven effectiveness

Mind Stretcher has a stellar track record of helping students reach their full potential at the PSLE. In 2021-2023, over 780 students achieved an AL score of 6 & lower. In the past decade, over 5,900 students achieved a PSLE T-score of 250 & higher!

High-quality and engaging

Expect engaging lessons taught by our highly experienced Master Teachers! We'll also have hands-on practice segments and numerous opportunities to clarify doubts easily. Whether you are struggling or topping your class, our bootcamp will bring you to the next level.

Incredible value for money

When others are charging thousands, we deliver 40 hours of lessons, 300+ pages of high quality PSLE materials, and excellent teaching at less than $20/hour. What are you waiting for?

What you are paying for

Incredible value at an affordable price point

Start from 290 SGD / 1 subject (fees with GST)

290 SGD

  • 7.5 hours (total 30h) of lessons per subject.
  • 2 hours of inspiring student motivational talks.
  • 1.25 hours (total 5h) of parent briefings per subject.
  • 3 hours (total 9h) of live webinar practice paper run-through and live Q&A sessions per subject signed up (excl. Chinese & Higher Chinese).

Note: The 'PSLE Power Up Online Bootcamp' is part of the 'Journey-to-PSLE Bootcamp Bundles,' where you can enjoy additional savings.

Start from 340 SGD / 1 subject (fees with GST)

340 SGD

  • 7.5 hours (total 30h) of lessons per subject.
  • 2 hours of inspiring student motivational talks.
  • 1.25 hours (total 5h) of parent briefings per subject.
  • 3 hours (total 9h) of live webinar practice paper run-through and live Q&A sessions per subject signed up (excl. Chinese & Higher Chinese).

Note: The 'PSLE Power Up Online Bootcamp' is part of the 'Journey-to-PSLE Bootcamp Bundles,' where you can enjoy additional savings.

Bootcamp dates

Parent or students can choose 1 slot per subject from either run.

Run 1
28 May 2024 (Tue)
7.45am – 4.30pm
Run 2
6 Jun 2024 (Thu)
7.45am – 4.30pm
Run 1
29 May 2024 (Wed)
7.45am – 4.30pm
Run 2
4 Jun 2024 (Tue)
7.45am – 4.30pm
Run 1
30 May 2024 (Thu)
7.45am – 4.30pm
Run 2
3 Jun 2024 (Mon)
7.45am – 4.30pm
Run 1
27 May 2024 (Mon)
7.45am – 4.30pm
Run 2
5 Jun 2024 (Wed)
7.45am – 4.30pm
Higher Chinese (Add-on)
Run 1
31 May 2024 (Fri)
8am – 12.15pm
Run 2
7 Jun 2024 (Fri)
8am – 12.15pm
Bonus Segments
  • Reach for the skies - Motivational Segment: 7 Jun 2024 (Fri) | 2pm – 4pm
  • Parent Debriefing: 9 Jun 2024 (Sun)  
    • Maths & Science: 10am - 12.45pm 
    • English & Chinese: 2.30pm - 5.15pm 
  • PSLE Practice Papers LIVE Q&A*
    • English: 2 & 9 Jul 2024 (Tue) | 7.30pm – 9 pm
    • Science: 3 & 10 Jul 2024 (Wed) | 7.30pm – 9pm
    • Maths: 5 & 12 Jul 2024 (Fri) | 7.30pm – 9pm
  • *Exclusive for students enrolled in the corresponding Power Up subject bootcamps.


PSLE Power Up English
  • A* PSLE Compositions (Themes, Model Compositions & Writing Techniques)
  • Scoring Techniques for Comprehension Cloze
  • Analysis & Answering Techniques for OE Comprehension
  • Tricky Grammar Questions & Commonly Misspelt Words
  • Tackling Synthesis & Transformation
PSLE Power Up Mathematics
  • Targeted revision of challenging topics & concepts for PSLE Maths
  • Essential strategies to solve difficult PSLE Maths questions
  • Different types of PSLE Maths questions and how to present your answers accurately
  • Analysis of common errors made by students & pitfalls to avoid
PSLE Power Up Science
  • Targeted revision of important topics & concepts for PSLE Science
  • Mastering common question structures and frequently tested concepts
  • Identifying keywords and learning effective answering techniques
  • Expert tips for acing the MCQ and open-ended sections of the PSLE Science paper
PSLE Power Up Chinese
  • Effective techniques for tackling the PSLE Chinese Paper
  • 'Live' Listening Comprehension Exercises, simulating the format of the PSLE Listening Comprehension exam
  • Score-grabbing steps for the PSLE Chinese Comprehension & Composition segments
  • Essential question-analysis skills for tackling tricky PSLE Chinese questions
PSLE Power Up Higher Chinese
  • A* techniques to tackle the PSLE Higher Chinese exam
  • Analysis & idea generation for different types of PSLE Higher Chinese Situational & Continuous Writing Questions
  • Key exam & editing strategies for tackling the PSLE Higher Chinese Reading Comprehension questions
Bonus Segment*
  • 2 hours of "Reach for the Skies" motivational talks
  • 1.25 hours (total 5h) of parent briefings per subject
  • 3 hours (up to 9h) of live webinar practice paper run-throughs and Q&A sessions per subject (excl. Chinese & HCL) for students enrolled in the corresponding 'Power Up' subject bootcamps.
  • *Bonus segment is complimentary for all bootcamp students (except HCL-only students)!

Master teachers

Mavis Tan
English Master Teacher

Mavis is the Head of English & Creative Writing (Primary Division) at Mind Stretcher. A very eloquent and passionate teacher, she is a familiar face at all Mind Stretcher English bootcamps, seminars and workshops. She teaches Mind Stretcher students at both the primary and secondary levels. Her mission in life is to ignite the spark of creativity in young minds, and motivate them to stretch themselves holistically in both the written and spoken word.

Lim Weilun
Maths Master Teacher

Wei Lun was one of RI's top students (with a perfect 10A1s) in his GCE O-Level cohort. A winner of the RI Academic Award & the Prime Minister’s Book Prize (for top-scoring in the English & Chinese O-Level Exams), he was awarded a government overseas scholarship to pursue his studies at Columbia University (Ivy League) & Cambridge University. Wei Lun is the Academic Team Lead at Mind Stretcher, and a very popular Master Teacher across a wide variety of academic domains.

Chew Meng Yee
Science Master Teacher

Meng Yee, a proficient Writer & Editor of various science assessment books, has brought his expertise to Mind Stretcher as a curriculum Curator & Teacher. Proficient in the Science syllabus and well-versed in an array of teaching methodologies, he has become a very popular teacher, known for making complex science topics at both the primary & secondary school levels accessible and exciting. His teaching philosophy is aptly captured in his maxim: 'Translate knowledge into understanding, inspire curiosity into achievement.

Yu Man
Chinese Master Teacher

Yu Man, the esteemed Head of Chinese at 学汇乐 (Xue Hui Le), brings over a decade of Chinese teaching experience to her role. An effective educator, she is highly cherished for her engaging Chinese lessons that not only convey knowledge. but also ignite a passion for learning. Her teaching philosophy resonates in her maxim: 'Engage to educate, inspire to ignite.'

Our testimonials

What our students & parents say about us

Mrs Shum is a very dedicated teacher. She has given me detailed feedback to improve my writing and her lessons are very engaging. I really appreciate the personalised feedback which helps me identify areas I should work on more. She goes the extra mile to share interesting facts every lesson which has helped expand my general knowledge in so many ways. With Mrs Shum's tips and MS Worksheets explaining how to master various components, I'm able to answer questions with greater confidence. Lastly, Mrs Shum cares deeply about our emotional well-being, and she always reminds us that trying our best is more important than the results.

I would like to thank the Chinese Language teacher very much for her effort, concern and encouragement for my child! He is very happy to be in her class and has enjoyed the Chinese Language lessons very much. He has tried his very best in the PSLE examination last year 2022 and his Chinese has improved. The constant encouragement from his Chinese Language teacher makes a difference and goes a long way!  Thank you Mr Kuek and all the teachers very much who has taught him and shared during the online bootcamp and the webinars! We really appreciate the effort, time, love and understanding put into preparation of the examination booklets and materials and staying behind after the online lessons to answer the students' questions! Wishing all the teachers and staff a very Happy blessed year 2023 ahead! 

Parents of U Hian
Dear Mrs Shum, thank you so much for all the guidance and support you’ve given me since i joined ms. Since i joined at a pretty late stage, i didn’t expect myself to acquire so much valuable knowledge that allowed me to learn English from a whole new perspective, as well as to perceive life in many different aspects. Thank you for always being so generous in sharing with us your personal experiences that engaged us during class, and making English such a fun subject for us explore the wonders of it! Thank you for taking the extra mile to further support me in English Literature as well, it really has been very useful!! It has truly been an eye-opening experience learning from you and I will remember these lessons as part of the unforgettable memories of learning in this subject❤️🥰

Mrs Shum is a caring teacher who is concerned about her students and their well-being. She has helped me improve in my English and has always been very caring towards me. She stresses on our mental health and has encouraged us a lot. Her teaching is amazing and i love how she shares interesting facts related to the topic we were studying and she exposed us to the basics of general paper too. To add, Mrs Shum gives specific feedback on our work which allowed us to know what we can improve on. The MS comprehension worksheets were also of great help as they allow me to know how to answer certain questions in a straightforward manner. Mrs Shum marks quite strictly which also further prepared me well for the O-levels where the marking is usually more lenient. As a result, I learnt how to do better and could gauge where i stand. Mrs Shum also made me realise that i was better in personal recount essays which allowed me to do well in the O-levels. Overall, MS worksheets were of great help and useful with specific tips and strategies. Thank you so much.

Sevvel Selvam
Hi Ms Mavis, I would like to thank you for the teaching. Your lessons are engaging and I can always focus on it. I still remember vividly your patience when answering all my questions. Even though I have a lot of questions, you still answer them using your best effort which I appreciate very much. You are a great teacher 👍 Thank you very much and wish you a great year ahead !

Tao Weiqi
Dear Mr Alvin, Just want to text you to say "Thank you for all you have done for all the kids! Elvyn scored AL6 for his 2022 PSLE!“ A special mention to Teacher Meili, Teacher Audrey, Teacher Ryan and 丁老师。Not only were they never annoyed by his endless questions and constant requests for ways to improve himself, they guided him and encouraged him to do more and better. We are so blessed to have met all of you! I had introduced friends to send their kids to MS and will surely help to promote MS in the future too!

Mother of Elvyn Ee
There was a significant improvement for my overall results from Prelim ( AL 21 ) to PSLE ( AL13). The tuition I had at MS was science and I had improved from (Prelim) AL 6 to (PSLE) AL 3. I did well for the subject under the encouragement, guidance and help from Ms Liew and Mr Alvin Kuek. :)

Ng Zi Xuan Stacia
Ms Liew is a teacher who cares about her students. She always go the extra miles to check and update the parents on the progress of the students. Her comments are useful in helping me better teach my child and work on his weaknesses. During pandemic online lesson, she is the only teacher in mind stretcher (other than Teacher Adeline yeo) that I can count on her to ensure my child completed all assignments. She has contributed to my child learning journeys. Overall I am grateful to have such a marvelous teacher. :)

Parent of Siew Li Wei
I am the parent of Cao Jiasong (ID: 13903) who attended P6 Science class at your center in 2021. He was in the regular class on Thursday 7:30pm taught by Mr Siva. I'd like to express my sincere appreciation to Mr Siva for helping my son improve his Science subject significantly by achieving the good result of AL2 in PSLE 2021. Actually his science results during P5 and P6 (SA1 and Prelim) ranged between AL4-AL5, therefore it is defininately a nice surprise to see him achieve AL2 in PSLE. I noticed that my son was always motivated to attend Mr Siva's lesson which was fun. He did enjoy the class learning activities such as Kahoot games that could reinforce the students' understanding on the key concepts. Also, I'd like to highlight that Mr Siva showed concern about my child's learning progress by checking on his acadmic performance in school and gave prompt and constructive feedback to encourage him to do well prior to PSLE. I believe that both teaching effectiveness and close communication with the student and parent contributed to my child's good progress made for this subject. Once again, I'd like to say a big thank you to Mr Siva for teaching Jiasong, as well as to thank Mind Stretcher for organizing many insightful webinars and bootcamps to help us get through and overcome the hardship of PSLE amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Parent of Cao Jiasong
Before joining MS, my results have always been called average and that they were always stagnant. Neither improving nor deteroriating. So receiving my AL1 for science this time was a big shock as it was my first time. Now I know that all my hardwork has paid off. The notes given by MS and even the extra knowledge and practice that was provided in the sets of worksheets given to us were of great help!

Belle Chong
Hong Xiang has shown improvement in his Chinese comprehension by applying the skills he learned from the centre's teacher (Dr Wang). He is also more confident in solving and answering these questions. He is more committed to mastering the subject.

Parent of Ng Hong Xiang
Hi teacher this is Quintus. I just finished my math PSLE. This year's paper was easier than 2021 PSLE so I think I can score AL 3 or above. Just wanted to thank you for everything you have done for me.

Heng Quintus
I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to Mr Yan who has been teaching my son Math (high achiever) at your Clementi branch centre. My son had relate, he is patience, experience and dedicate to each of his classmates including himself during each lesson. Mr Yan was also able to spot questions ahead of his recent SA1 exam. He would also make conscious efforts to update me after each lesson on my son’s progress. Would highly recommend Mr Yan to my friends who are in need of looking for a good Math teacher.

Parent of Wah Wen Hu Addison
In addition, my Mindstretcher maths teacher always believed in me and she knew that I was capable of getting good score in mathematics. However I was weak in maths. Once again with my determination and my Mind Stretcher teacher's support, I scored AL2 in mathematics in PSLE.

Abdulla Arshad Ahmad
Dear Mr Ang, I got an A* for Maths in the PSLE. Thanks for your encouraging words and guidance. Loved being part of your Primary 6 Maths class Thanks and Regards, TARUN

Dear Mr Ang, I would like to thank you for your patience and guidance for me and the class this year. I was able to get the score I wanted thanks to you and Mind Stretcher. I got an A for Math!

Javier Kang
Hi Mrs Shum, THANKS so much for offering these extra sessions. You are truly a very dedicated teacher full of passion for teaching and the children. Richard will happy to attend except 2 weeks in Dec when we are out of the country. Thank You once again!

Parent of Lee Jinn Wing Richard
I got 59 out of 67 for my English exam. It included grammer cloze, editing, comprehension cloze, synthesis and comprehension. Thanks for teaching us the techniques!

Mahek Paliwal
Dear Teacher Ryan.….. Thank you so much for the extra lessons, daily inspirational wisdom and all the efforts put in. Deeply appreciate it. Apologies for not being able to answer all your text messages in the past months. But we do and we're appreciative of your kind gestures to Jerome. It's now up to him to fight! Thanks again!

Parent of Ong Pin Yi Jerome
Definitely no doubt that he has improved significantly after he joined your EL class Mrs Shum. Its a blessing that he has gotten you as his Mind Stretcher EL teacher

Parent of Toh Jia Yang Kenneth
I came from China when I was in P5. Mind Stretcher English classes benefited me greatly. I also improved tremendously through the Oral Bootcamp classes. Through Mind Stretcher's help, I was able to achieve my dream grades for the 2021 PSLE and get into my dream school

Li Chengjun
Thanks a lot teacher... you are always motivating him. Because of you he got a good score for English

Parent of Shamik Karthik
We Would like to express our sincere thanks to Ms Rozi who taught our son Justin Lo High Achiever English @ East Campus MS. Ms Rozi is instrumental in Justin achieving A* in the 2018 PSLE English and furthering his interest in English. Ms Rozi is able to delve deep and be flexible in explaining difficult words/grammar concisely and continuously encouragees the students to read. She is also an engaging teacher whose passion and dedication is palpable in her lessons and interactions with students. We are very fortunate to have such a responsible and passionate teacher.

Parent of Lo Lit Jie Justin
Teacher Ryan is the best teacher we ever had who is very responsible and dedicated.We'd like to thank him not only because my son's English writing improved a lot, but also the spirit he conveys; you can really feel his passion for teaching and his love for the children.

Parent of Chen Chu Yu Anakin
I would like to thank Cheryl's P6 English Teacher Mrs Shum for asking her to re-attempt her composition questions every time. It really helps! I have never seen her getting such high marks(33.5) previously. While she may not be the best in class, I am comforted by her great improvement!

Parent of Ang Min Xuan Cheryl
Many questions that were asked during our Primary 6 English lessons in MS, were relevant to the questions tested in my school examinations, as well as in PSLE. Those lessons were extremely useful for I applied those techniques taught, in my PSLE. My MS teacher, Mrs Shum was very supportive and she always encouraged me, standing by my side during all tough times. As a result, I was able to obtain a score that was higher than I had expected.

Harini Sree
Dear Teacher Ryan, Thank you for everything you have done to help me learn and grow. I really enjoyed your lessons and looked forward to your classes.

Rezaul Aqeel Dhani Bin Mohd Rezuan
Hi Teacher, Bala here. I got 35/40 for my English Compo, thank you for your help!

Balaprathyush Damodharan
See more testimonials


I'm ready to sign up for your flagship bootcamps. How can I enjoy greater savings?

We're delighted to support you and your child on their PSLE journey! Our flagship bootcamps include:

  • 'PSLE Power Up Online Bootcamp'
  • 'PSLE English Oral Online Bootcamp'
  • 'PSLE Chinese Oral Online Bootcamp'
  • 'PSLE Last Lap Online Bootcamp'

For additional savings, consider our 'Journey-to-PSLE Bootcamp Bundles.' These bundles offer great value and help maximise your preparation efforts.

If my child has a question, what can he/she do?
  • During the session, your child can pose the questions in the webinar "Q&A" box or chat and our teachers will reply to him/her. If the question is commonly asked by many students, our teachers will address it 'live'.
  • There will also be intervals throughout the day (depending on time) that students will be asked to raise their hands and ask questions 'live'.
  • At the end of each subject bootcamp, students can also stay around to ask questions.
Will there be any materials provided?
  • Yes!
  • You will be notified via email once materials are ready for collection from your preferred MS centre (indicated at the point of registration)
  • We are present in over 20+ locations in Singapore, so check out our locations near you!
If I'm unable to attend a webinar lesson, will a recording of the session be provided?

A recorded version of the webinar sessions will be made available to all eligible registrants for a limited viewing period.

How are the lesson sessions structured for each subject?
The breakdown for English, Maths, Science, and Chinese (with 7.5 hours of lesson time per subject) is as follows:
  • Session 1: 7.45am - 10am
  • Session 2: 10.15am - 11.45am
  • Lunch Break: 11.45am - 12.30pm
  • Session 3: 12.30pm - 2.30pm
  • Session 4: 2.45pm - 4.30pm
For Higher Chinese (with 4 hours of lesson time), the schedule is as follows:
  • Session 1: 8am - 10am
  • Session 2: 10.15am - 12.15pm
Considering my child's previous enrolment (i.e. ex-student), or recent registration for Mind Stretcher's Bootcamps / Short courses / Workshops / Webinars / Events, can we still enjoy special discounts or benefits as a returning participant?

No, unfortunately, we do not offer special discounts or benefits for returning participants at this time.

Our MS student rates for any events are specifically reserved for students who attend our regular weekly programmes. They do not extend to ex-students, trial class students, and participants of our bootcamps, short courses, workshops, webinars, or events.  Should your child wish to attend our Edu-events at the exclusive MS student rate, you can enrol him/her in at least one of our regular weekly programmes. That would then qualify your child as an MS student.

Can I cancel my registration if I change my mind?
  • No, all fees paid for any of our events are strictly non-refundable and non-transferrable.
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